At this time of year we tend to be mixing with more people than our normal circle of friends and family. With the added stress of planning, preparing and performing Christmas our bodies become under stress and easily give in to infection which can then be difficult to shake off.
What is to be done?
Well, it sounds too simple but remember, you are what you eat and all that you eat (and drink) forms the material by which your body copes.
Try upping your intake of Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex and Garlic.
If this is difficult then try supplements but only those produced from whole plant material and from organic sources. In other words, Nutrilite. For more information go to
Supplements synthesised in labs are not easily utilised by our bodies and most often pass out in our urine.
At the same time drink good water. That is water with no impurities or additives like chlorine, plastic traces, cysts or sediments but with good natural additives from the bedrock like calcium and magnesium.
Bottled water can add up to expensive so why not invest in an eSpring Water Treatment System and make your own. It works out much cheaper in the long run.
So, keep healthy, keep moving and use up those calories and we hope to see you all in January 2012. Both the ABS on January 8th and the Open Opportunity Meeting on January 19th are at the Holiday Inn, Rotherham on J33 of the M1. The focus for January will be healthy bodies and minds.
Information for our guests and visitors. Inspiration and information to support our business team.
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Saturday, 10 December 2011
32. Environmental Responsibility & Socially Responsible?
Wow, now that's a title with a lot of letters in it!
However, it is an issue that we need to remember is central to Amway's Founding Family beliefs.
I'm not sure we have 'shouted' about it enough lately so we can play our part make sure people know what a high priority it is for Amway.
From little things (or not so little) like the white filler in our delivery boxes being biodegradable, the company sponsoring our fundraising for Treetop House last Spring and the money that is raised every local ABS for other Children's Charities right up to the planting of tree's, the organic plantations and that in 2010 alone Amway Europe raised more than $2.8 million for children's charities.
If you can make time scan through the document on the front page of before you log in under ABOUT AMWAY > CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP > 2010 REVIEW PDF.
Then, take less than 2 minutes to fill in the questionnaire after you have logged in at:
Let's all do our part by recycling all the card and paper that come with the orders, using Amway Academy (saves travelling) and telling interested parties how good Amway is at being Environmentally & Socially Responsible.
Hope to see you at the last Open Meeting of the year. Rotherham Holiday Inn, Thursday December 17th 2011 and make sure you have tickets for the Local Business Seminar January Sunday 8 th.
Happy Christmas to you all.
However, it is an issue that we need to remember is central to Amway's Founding Family beliefs.
I'm not sure we have 'shouted' about it enough lately so we can play our part make sure people know what a high priority it is for Amway.
From little things (or not so little) like the white filler in our delivery boxes being biodegradable, the company sponsoring our fundraising for Treetop House last Spring and the money that is raised every local ABS for other Children's Charities right up to the planting of tree's, the organic plantations and that in 2010 alone Amway Europe raised more than $2.8 million for children's charities.
If you can make time scan through the document on the front page of before you log in under ABOUT AMWAY > CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP > 2010 REVIEW PDF.
Then, take less than 2 minutes to fill in the questionnaire after you have logged in at:
Let's all do our part by recycling all the card and paper that come with the orders, using Amway Academy (saves travelling) and telling interested parties how good Amway is at being Environmentally & Socially Responsible.
Hope to see you at the last Open Meeting of the year. Rotherham Holiday Inn, Thursday December 17th 2011 and make sure you have tickets for the Local Business Seminar January Sunday 8 th.
Happy Christmas to you all.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
31. Welcome
Updates & Festivities! November and December are two of the most profitable months in the business - if taken advantage of.
Here are some tips:
Here are some tips:
- Help out with 'difficult' Christmas Presents. For example, what to get for the Great Aunt or Nan who really has little need, the Brother-in Law you don't know very well or the little 'extra' gift for a girlfirend, partner or wife so she has a surprise to unwrap on Christmas morning. Glycerine and Honey Soaps for the Aunt (or any woman) - they are always appreciated for their lovely fragrence and evocative appearance. A Hymm Gift Set for any man who wet shaves - a comfortable shave and manly fragrence. A bottle of Perfume for that surprise gift - know the leading fragrence in each so you are able to match the personality (it's all in the brochure).
- Make up gift sets and hampers to suit the size of different pockets. For example, a Car Wash, sponge and wash leather for the man (or woman) obsessed with their car.
- Offer a free wrapping service with every gift purchased.
Here is a great item recently posted on facebook:
And finally, firstly we welcome to this month's new ABOs and then we welcome baby Kayden-Lee born this morning. Congratulation's to his parents ABO James & his wife Tracy and ABOs David & Katie his Grandparents.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
30. Sheffield Open Opportunity Meeting
November's Open Opportunity Meeting is being held this Thursday, November 17th at 8pm. We are in the Royal Victoria Holiday Inn Hotel. S4 7YE
You are welcome to bring guests who may be interested in making more money/starting their own business/developing a second income stream.
You are also welcome on your own to learn more business skills and grow your business knowledge.
Associate with positive people from your industry.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen Keller
You are welcome to bring guests who may be interested in making more money/starting their own business/developing a second income stream.
You are also welcome on your own to learn more business skills and grow your business knowledge.
Associate with positive people from your industry.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen Keller
Thursday, 13 October 2011
29. ABS October 16th.
Hi. Dave and I are really looking forward to Sunday's ABS.
Andy Smith (Managing Director Amway UK/Crazy about football) will have two spots on the agenda. First a company update and then another re use of Social Media.
See you there.
Andy Smith (Managing Director Amway UK/Crazy about football) will have two spots on the agenda. First a company update and then another re use of Social Media.
See you there.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Sunday, 25 September 2011
27. Good News
I hope you have all been able to read the Achieve Newsletter that arrived on Friday. It is really wonderful to see so many ABOs succeeding in their businesses.
It was especially nice to spot Brooke's name amongst those achieving the 6% level. Well done Brooke and Jon! If you haven't had a look yet then login to the Amway Business site and go to:;81663;cjszNDY3ODAzMDQwOzM2ODI4OzIx
We should also like to congratulate Nathan & Lauren and Chris who are downline of Brooke and Jon and have both converted from RC to CRC.
Last week's Open Meeting was a really positive and if possible, both dynamic and gentle. Well done to Nathan and Chris for giving product testimonials - very brave.
Please note the change to the calendar.
It was especially nice to spot Brooke's name amongst those achieving the 6% level. Well done Brooke and Jon! If you haven't had a look yet then login to the Amway Business site and go to:;81663;cjszNDY3ODAzMDQwOzM2ODI4OzIx
We should also like to congratulate Nathan & Lauren and Chris who are downline of Brooke and Jon and have both converted from RC to CRC.
Last week's Open Meeting was a really positive and if possible, both dynamic and gentle. Well done to Nathan and Chris for giving product testimonials - very brave.
Please note the change to the calendar.
26. Think big - be a dreamer
Have been reminded today of how fragile life can be.
If I have learnt anything from 33 years of teaching and 29 years of supporting budding entrepreneurs it is that no one ever got anywhere without a dream. From small things like owning a puppy to buying a car to travelling abroad or bigger things like running a marathon or moving to another continent.
Of course the dream is just the begining and is just pie in the sky without a plan.
It's easy for me to say all this with no annoying alarm clock and beautiful, inspiring countryside to wander with my dog. So friends, take some time out in the next few days and just free your mind to stretch to it's full potential. Remember that famous saying, "Whatever the mind can concieve and believe it can achieve".
If I have learnt anything from 33 years of teaching and 29 years of supporting budding entrepreneurs it is that no one ever got anywhere without a dream. From small things like owning a puppy to buying a car to travelling abroad or bigger things like running a marathon or moving to another continent.
Of course the dream is just the begining and is just pie in the sky without a plan.
It's easy for me to say all this with no annoying alarm clock and beautiful, inspiring countryside to wander with my dog. So friends, take some time out in the next few days and just free your mind to stretch to it's full potential. Remember that famous saying, "Whatever the mind can concieve and believe it can achieve".
Monday, 5 September 2011
Monday, 29 August 2011
24. eSpring
This is a link to a really fantastic site that has two charts that help you understand why eSpring Water Treatment is the best and also info you can use to help others understand.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
23. Amagram Offer - amendment
We would like to announce a change to the information contained within Amagram issue 4/2011 Price List Flyer, regarding our DISH DROPS Promotion, order no. 114690.
Please be aware that AMWAY HOMETM DISH DROPS (purchase two, get one free), should in fact read: Purchase two DISH DROPS Concentrated Dishwashing Liquids (1 litre) and receive a free AMWAY HOME Magnet. The same order no. applies – 114690.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
22. Future business dates.
Following are some proposed dates for business events.
Please make a note of each in your diary and try to attend all possible.
It is important to check closer to the time to confirm.
Please make a note of each in your diary and try to attend all possible.
It is important to check closer to the time to confirm.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
21. Open Opportunity Meeting
On the evening of Monday, August 1st. there will be a meeting at the Jurys Inn, Sheffield to which all ABOs (Amway business owners) are invited to attend. Dress code smart.
Starting at 7/7.15pm there will be a presentation of the Amway Business Plan by tremendously successful ABOs Paul and Hinako Christophers. You are welcome to bring guests who are prospective ABOs. The cost of the meeting room to be shared amongst us at £5 per ABO (guests FREE).
8.00pm Comfort Break.
Starting at 8.15pm Paul and Hinako will share vast product experience and leadership training.
9.30pm Close.
Please note you are responsible for your guests comfort and follow-up materials. (Please make them aware of the dress code).
Please let us know as early as possible if you are to attend so we can make sure the room fits our needs.
Looking forward to seeing many of you there.
Jury's Inn
119 Eyre Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 4QW 0114 291 222 |
Starting at 7/7.15pm there will be a presentation of the Amway Business Plan by tremendously successful ABOs Paul and Hinako Christophers. You are welcome to bring guests who are prospective ABOs. The cost of the meeting room to be shared amongst us at £5 per ABO (guests FREE).
8.00pm Comfort Break.
Starting at 8.15pm Paul and Hinako will share vast product experience and leadership training.
9.30pm Close.
Please note you are responsible for your guests comfort and follow-up materials. (Please make them aware of the dress code).
Please let us know as early as possible if you are to attend so we can make sure the room fits our needs.
Looking forward to seeing many of you there.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
20. Fantastic Incentive that you can ALL achieve!
March 2011
Future Leader Weekend Incentive 2011
Earn a fantastic weekend break in Edinburgh and plan your path to Amway leadership!
How can I achieve and qualify for this Incentive?
- Using February as the ‘base month’, you must reach the next level up in the Performance Bonus Schedule in June, maintaining in both July and August- You must also be a bonus earner in June, July and August
- You must achieve at least 300 Personal PV in June, July and August.
- This Incentive is also open to ABOs who join between 1st March and 30th June 2011, if they meet the above criteria. They will be categorised as ‘12% or below’ for their base month level.
- Please note that #2 Business Owners in the UK would also have to adhere to the 5/150/190 rule. The 2 leg rule is not applicable for the qualification purposes of this incentive.
- We will only count the number of downline qualifiers, until the next downline Platinum in your Business Group.
- For a Platinum ABO, if your downline ABO qualifies for Platinum during this incentive qualification period, his downline group will be cut off from yours as soon as he reaches Platinum level. However, this new Platinum will still be counted as your downline qualifier, provided they have attained the incentive qualifications.
- What is a ‘SP month’? SP stands for Silver Producer month. There are 3 ways to achieve a Silver Producer month:
- 1) Generate Award Volume of at least 10,000 PV, or
- 2) Generate Award Volume of at least 4,000 PV and personally or foster sponsor one group that qualifies at the 21% Performance Bonus level, or
Monday, 21 February 2011
19. Important Date
Put June 24th 2011 in your diaries, on your calender or in your phone!
It is the date of the Ladies Night at Beighton Social & Leisure Club to be sponsored by Amway UK and to raise funds for the Sick Children's Trust Treetops House at the Sheffield Children's Hospital.
Ask all of your female friends (over 16 years only) to keep the date clear for a really good night.
Lots of treatments & experiences to be sampled followed by a dance & disco. The bar will be open and refreshments available.
Men, you have a vital role to help set up (and scrape us up at the end) and help us clear away. There is a bar on site if you want to wile the time away there.
An opportunity to meet potential customers and potential ABOs.
It is the date of the Ladies Night at Beighton Social & Leisure Club to be sponsored by Amway UK and to raise funds for the Sick Children's Trust Treetops House at the Sheffield Children's Hospital.
Ask all of your female friends (over 16 years only) to keep the date clear for a really good night.
Lots of treatments & experiences to be sampled followed by a dance & disco. The bar will be open and refreshments available.
Men, you have a vital role to help set up (and scrape us up at the end) and help us clear away. There is a bar on site if you want to wile the time away there.
An opportunity to meet potential customers and potential ABOs.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
18. Celeb's and Intensive Skincare
Since it’s launch in November last year, the Artistry Intensive Skincare Renewing Peel has been winning acclaim and the product is kit bag essential for renowned International make-up artist and Intensive Skincare Ambassador Ashley Ward.
With the product being favoured choice on her celebrity clients it is unsurprising to learn that the Renewing Peel is now a firm favourite with the likes of actress Jamie Winstone, TV and radio presenter Lauren Laverne, singer Melanie Blatt, actress Pamela Anderson and model Helena Christensen.
Product fan Melanie Blatt says, "I was so impressed with this product when Ashley used it on me. You can instantly see and feel a difference in your skin. It feels super smooth and looks more radiant after one use. I’ve now been using it for a few weeks, and my skin has never looked so healthy. I am hooked!"
With the product being favoured choice on her celebrity clients it is unsurprising to learn that the Renewing Peel is now a firm favourite with the likes of actress Jamie Winstone, TV and radio presenter Lauren Laverne, singer Melanie Blatt, actress Pamela Anderson and model Helena Christensen.
Amway UK spokesperson, Sheryl Franklin-Worth comments, "I am delighted with the response received to our first product launch in the Artistry sub brand. The highly acclaimed feedback speaks volumes as it truly does deliver results - a fantastic product!"
Monday, 17 January 2011
17. Product Displays
Please note that Shirley will be bringing all of the products included in the Spring Offers to display at the meeting on January 20th. It will be helpful to look at the Beautycycle Kits involved.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
16. New Visual Identity - BE PROUD!
The website is showing the new cooperate logo:
Green circles: Representing health, the cycle of life and the energy of growth that is the basis of the Amway nutrition products.
Green circles: Representing health, the cycle of life and the energy of growth that is the basis of the Amway nutrition products.
Red circles: Beauty products that touch the lives of women around the world and perpetuate an inner confidence.
Blue circles: The positive difference of the Amway products in the home worldwide - all offering a sustainable business opportunity .
Large Platinum circles surround the three product categories: The Amway Business Opportunity. The platinum circles represent security, reliability and ultimately all which makes up Amway: High-quality products, excellent employees and ABOs, extensive social committment - and of course the very personal opportunity of becoming self-employed with the Amway Business.
Friday, 14 January 2011
15. Shortcut to Success!
We are told there are no short cuts to success but there are. The shortcuts mainly involve avoiding the long-cuts or the no-cuts.
Ask yourself, "What I have done to be called a business operator today"?
These are some things that count:
Ask yourself, "What I have done to be called a business operator today"?
These are some things that count:
- using a product for the first time
- setting up your e-office profile page
- having a conversation with someone new
- selling a product
- finding a prospect
- showing the business concept
- reading a business book
- listening to a business CD/DVD
- attending a business function
- keeping accounts
- getting to know your way around the website
- labelling products and paperwork
Thursday, 13 January 2011
14. BBS South Yorkshire Jan 9th 2011
Diamond ABOs Paul & Hinako were our guest speakers.
They taught on the basic steps to getting started and told their story of how Hinako started the business in Japan, how they went diamond and their move to the UK where they are now Ruby BCs.
The product display was wide and covered all lines.
Thanks Neil and thanks to Rob Cooper for getting him to us safe and sound.
Lots of ABOs enjoyed the event and we hope they will join us again in April.
They taught on the basic steps to getting started and told their story of how Hinako started the business in Japan, how they went diamond and their move to the UK where they are now Ruby BCs.
The product display was wide and covered all lines.
Diana Stanger performed the miracle of converting flour and water (+a few more ingredients) into soda bread and chicken casserole in the iCook.
Neil Harry came along from the London Experience Centre to demonstrate the application of a Cool & Warm
look. He was fabulous!!
Thanks Neil and thanks to Rob Cooper for getting him to us safe and sound.
Lots of ABOs enjoyed the event and we hope they will join us again in April.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
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