March 2011
Future Leader Weekend Incentive 2011
Earn a fantastic weekend break in Edinburgh and plan your path to Amway leadership!
How can I achieve and qualify for this Incentive?
- Using February as the ‘base month’, you must reach the next level up in the Performance Bonus Schedule in June, maintaining in both July and August- You must also be a bonus earner in June, July and August
- You must achieve at least 300 Personal PV in June, July and August.
- This Incentive is also open to ABOs who join between 1st March and 30th June 2011, if they meet the above criteria. They will be categorised as ‘12% or below’ for their base month level.
- Please note that #2 Business Owners in the UK would also have to adhere to the 5/150/190 rule. The 2 leg rule is not applicable for the qualification purposes of this incentive.
- We will only count the number of downline qualifiers, until the next downline Platinum in your Business Group.
- For a Platinum ABO, if your downline ABO qualifies for Platinum during this incentive qualification period, his downline group will be cut off from yours as soon as he reaches Platinum level. However, this new Platinum will still be counted as your downline qualifier, provided they have attained the incentive qualifications.
- What is a ‘SP month’? SP stands for Silver Producer month. There are 3 ways to achieve a Silver Producer month:
- 1) Generate Award Volume of at least 10,000 PV, or
- 2) Generate Award Volume of at least 4,000 PV and personally or foster sponsor one group that qualifies at the 21% Performance Bonus level, or
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