At this time of year we tend to be mixing with more people than our normal circle of friends and family. With the added stress of planning, preparing and performing Christmas our bodies become under stress and easily give in to infection which can then be difficult to shake off.
What is to be done?
Well, it sounds too simple but remember, you are what you eat and all that you eat (and drink) forms the material by which your body copes.
Try upping your intake of Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex and Garlic.
If this is difficult then try supplements but only those produced from whole plant material and from organic sources. In other words, Nutrilite. For more information go to
Supplements synthesised in labs are not easily utilised by our bodies and most often pass out in our urine.
At the same time drink good water. That is water with no impurities or additives like chlorine, plastic traces, cysts or sediments but with good natural additives from the bedrock like calcium and magnesium.
Bottled water can add up to expensive so why not invest in an eSpring Water Treatment System and make your own. It works out much cheaper in the long run.
So, keep healthy, keep moving and use up those calories and we hope to see you all in January 2012. Both the ABS on January 8th and the Open Opportunity Meeting on January 19th are at the Holiday Inn, Rotherham on J33 of the M1. The focus for January will be healthy bodies and minds.
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